The UV absorption spectrum shows that the interaction between gossypol and DNA does not result in the formation of a covalent bond or a charge transfer complex. 紫外吸收光谱显示棉酚与DNA相互作用没有共价键形成.也不生成电荷迁移络台物。
DNA adduct is a covalent complex formed by DNA and electrophilic activity production of toxicological chemicals transformed in body, and it is not only an exposure biomarker but also an effect biomarker. DNA加合物是化学毒物经生物转化后的亲电活性产物与DNA分子形成的共价结合物,它既是一种暴露标志物,又是一种效应标志物。
A monolayer sensor was formed based on the covalent binding of cysteamine Cu complex ( CuCysh) on a thioethyl alcohol acid ( TAA) modified gold electrode by using the self-assembly technique and chemical derivative method. 将半胱氨酸铜(CuCysh)络合物共价键合到自组装在Au电极表面的硫代乙醇酸(TAA)单分子层上,获得了衍生化自组装CuCysh-TAA单分子膜传感器。